Sunday, November 3, 2013

Shakuntala Devi


I see a special Google logo today. There have a woman at the logo. She is Shankuntala Devi. She died on 21 of  April, 2013 at the age of 83. Today is her birthday so Google specially designs to commemorate her. Here is the logo.


She was Shankuntala Devi. She was born on 4 of November, 1942 in Bangalore, India. She was a mathematician and she was known as 'human computer' and the most intelligent woman in the world. She has tested various universities in the world and she showed her special ability. She multiplied two 13-digit numbers in only twenty eight seconds.This achievement was recorded in the Guinness World Record, but it was removed afterward. It was because of her record was too good if compared with other geniuses. Her death was caused of respiratory and cardiac problems.  

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