Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Airport Fashion - Super Junior's 8th Anniversary



Today is Super Junior's 8th anniversary. One of the member, Eunhyuk wrote on the twitter yesterday that they would have an airport fashion event on day they flied to Mexico, it is today. All the fans are so excited for them, including me :D Here are their airport fashion. You will shock when you see them XD,

Heechul, he cosplays as Lee Shin from League of Legends. It is an online game. I wonder can he see things? XD  

Kangin, he wears military uniform. He always wear military uniform last two years because of military service. 

Sungmin, he wears skirt(0.0) It is not his first time to wear dress. He is holding a toy. 

Shindong, he cosplays as Ahri from League of Legends. It is really funny, especially the ball XD 

Siwon and Eunhyuk, they cosplay as Leon and Mathilda. Eunhuk shows his belly XD. He is holding a bag and plants. They look similar with the original version. 

Donghae and Ryeowok, Donghae wears like before he debuts. Ryeowook is sooo funny XD He wears auntie's clothes. After the event, he persists to change clothes so he is the last and walks alone XD

Kyuhyun, he wears like gangster. He is like wearing his father's clothesXD Anyway, he is eating lolipop.

Last, here is the Super Junior (^w^) They are the idols that don't care their images and just want to have fun with fans. They are really good, love them

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