Friday, September 13, 2013

Fashion Show - Native


The theme for today's fashion show is Native. There have ten designers. All the designers are from Diploma Fashion & Retail Design Semester 4. I really like today's fashion show, the designs are awesome. I also take some photos of models before the fashion show. They are making up in the room.

Let's watch the fashion show~~

This is the first model. It looks like an ethnic dancing costume, this is the point that relates to the theme. If the designer put some bracelets to her hands and make some design on her hair, it will look better. 

This is the second model. This dress looks like the evolutionary version of miko's clothes. Golden colour and her hairstyle make her look noble but I think if change the high heel to silver will be better.

This is the third model. The designer takes this idea from Chinese traditional costume, cheongsam. I think the designer can put different colour of flowers on the clothes not only pink colour. The high heel also can change to other colour like orange. Put some bracelets will look better.

This is the fourth model. I like this dress. The designer put the ethnic pattern on the modern dress. It looks simple and elegant. Her hair also matches with the dress. 

This is the fifth model. The design of the dress is nice, the shoulder part is the point. It is easy to attract people. The accessories are good but i think the hairstyle and high heel can be changed. Tie up her hair to highlight the shoulder part. The high heel colour can change to bright colour. 

This is the sixth model. It fulls the feeling of Saudi Arabia. The designer wants to break through the all black rule. She uses the blaze sheer to cover the model's face.

This is the seventh model. This is my favourite clothes in this fashion show. It looks like a wedding dress. The different colours and layers of sheer are very beautiful. Blue and white are my favorite colour.

This is the eighth model. The designer takes this idea from long-neck tribe. Women in long-neck tribe use a long brass ring and circle it up on the neck. The designer uses long necklaces to present the brass ring. 

This is the ninth model. He is the only boy in this fashion show. It looks like Indiana costume. The designer makes the tassel to present the ethnic.    

This is last model. Obviously, it is Indiana style. The designer uses the hat, make up and design to present Indiana style. She uses black in the clothes instead of brown colour. Indiana costume always in brown, the designer wants to try different thing.

That's all for the fashion show. I really enjoy this fashion show. I like the designs especially the forth and seventh. I am expecting for the fashion show next week (^w^). 

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